A project by the Association for the Development of La Rioja Alta, among the 78 Spanish environmental initiatives supported by CaixaBank

A project by the Association for the Development of La Rioja Alta, among the 78 Spanish environmental initiatives supported by CaixaBank
News Rioja Alta Wine Route

ADRA has been selected by CaixaBank in its €1 million programme for a total of 78 projects of local associations from all over Spain selected in the ‘Environment 2021 Call’ launched by the entity with the aim of improving natural heritage, through the protection of biodiversity, environmental innovation, circular economy and the fight against depopulation. This project will also be supported by Fundación Caja Rioja, an entity that has collaborated with CaixaBank in the launch of the call.

ADRA will focus in this project on Land Stewardship, a useful tool for the conservation of natural heritage, which promotes agreements between owners of land/fincas/natural and agricultural areas, together with entities and associations dedicated to the study and conservation of nature.

The aim of this project is to raise awareness of land stewardship and its importance for Rioja Alta, thus contributing to the preservation and enhancement of heritage and providing added and differential value both to the territory and to the companies, wineries and municipalities that implement this tool.

In short, the aim is to work together, company-municipality-society, in the conservation of Nature, promoting responsible use of natural resources and taking advantage of the possibilities and opportunities offered by this type of voluntary agreements, both when managing the territory and in the search for economic resources that have a positive impact on the promoter, the estates and nature.

Thus, this project proposes to carry out information and advice activities aimed at public and private owners (wineries, companies, town councils, etc.) and social entities in Rioja Alta, so that in the short term they promote the signing of stewardship agreements and work collaboratively for the Common Good. In our autonomous community, this call will also benefit the initiatives of ADR La Rioja Suroriental and Fundación Oxígeno.

The projects presented and selected fall into different typologies such as biodiversity (conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems), the circular economy (reduction and recycling of waste, especially plastics), environmental innovation, and environmental innovation.

CaixaBank’s social commitment is also a commitment to the environment and the transition to a low-carbon economy. The entity manages its daily activity within the framework of this commitment, respecting the environment and people, and allocates part of its budget to developing long-term climate strategies.

Likewise, the Caja Rioja Foundation considers it essential to fight from our territory to try to combat the two great evils affecting the planet: climate change and the loss of biodiversity, as our region, due to its size and geographical characteristics, is ideal for the implementation of projects that contribute to the conservation of the environment and the landscape.

In the picture Alfonso Maestro Pablo de Adra together with Roberto Lozano Manager of Fundación Oxígeno and Carlos Fuentes Manager of Fundación Caja Rioja at the presentation of the project to the press and representatives of the associations at the Centro Cultural La Merced in Logroño.

Activities within the framework of the project:


Date: 24 March. From 17 h to 20 h. Free with prior registration.

Where: Casa de Cultura. Plza. La Florida N°- 14. CASALARREINA

This is a very informative practical day, whose aim is to introduce the participants to this subject, always in a very dynamic and participative way.


Date: March to June.

In order to explain the contents of the informative session in a simple way, an informative support will be produced to explain what land stewardship is and its potential. 1000 copies will be printed on recycled paper, double A2 and will be distributed digitally through the website and social networks. This material will be distributed among groups of interest (town councils, wineries, associations, landowners,… ).


Date: April to June.

Once the informative phase has been developed, it is quite possible that some owners of areas with interest may wish to go more deeply into the custody of some of their properties, which requires a technical visit for prospecting and initial advice.

Although it is true that these visits may already be part of the specific agreement, we believe that ADRA Rioja Alta should provide some kind of incentive to enter into these agreements, which is why it can pay for this advice.

Thus, ADRA Rioja Alta will select the owners who have shown the greatest interest and will carry out a technical advisory visit with them, which will include:

  1. In situ knowledge of the environmental values of the estate, vineyard, space in particular by a technician.
  2. A brief general report on the motivation of the actions that can be carried out.